Career Pathfinders


What are yours?

Check all that apply to you.

            • Discover your life’s passion
            • Get “unstuck”
            • Identify your authentic personal brand
            • A career that brings joy, meaning, and fulfillment
            • Your own business
            • Work-life balance
            • A respected professional reputation
            • A valuable network of contacts and resources
            • Appreciation and recognition
            • Leave a legacy
            • The skills to interact effectively with virtually anyone
            • The ability to create success for yourself
            • Enhanced productivity, performance, and mastery

Here at The Davenport Institute, we believe that a passion for work is essential to success and well-being. Our proven career development coaching strategies have enabled us to maintain a 100% success rate in helping our clients identify their right career. We are proud to know that we have assisted so many individuals in finding careers that bring joy, fulfillment, and success on a multitude of levels.

A person’s “right” livelihood should be a natural extension
of who they are as a human being.
Dr. Debra Davenport

What would it feel like to be living your passion?

We can help you:

          • Identify the right career that fits your personality, values, skills, and interests
          • Develop a practical, do-able, fast-paced plan to get you where you want to go with your business idea and start-up
          • Stop living for the weekend and start looking forward to your workday
          • Experience a new sense of freedom, fulfillment, prosperity, and meaning in your work
          • Develop a plan for long-term career growth and professional development
          • Effectively transition into a new career
          • Discover if self-employment is right for you. If it is, we’ll assist you
          • Move forward quickly by providing direction, guidance, contacts, resources, referrals, and connections
          • Feel confident knowing that you have professionals with decades of experience assisting and supporting you throughout the process

Our approach is caring, supportive, engaging, motivating, and inspiring. Each client is unique. So is our approach. Your needs and goals are our priority. Through the Institute’s life-changing self-discovery process, the self-knowledge you gain will become the compass that will lead you to your ideal career.

“No one should get up in the morning just to go to a job.
They should get up to live their lives.
That’s what living authentically is all about.”
Dr. Debra Davenport

If you are seeking your right livelihood, looking for a new career, returning to the workplace, or contemplating starting a business of your own, we invite you to contact us for a complimentary get-acquainted consultation. Call us today at (602) 888-6657 or email us at

About Certified Professional Mentoring®

The Certified Professional Mentor® designation and certification program were developed by Dr. Debra Davenport, Director of The Davenport Institute. Working with individuals and organizations, Certified Professional Mentors® are trusted advisors and well-connected resources.


  • Support their clients’ long-term professional development by way of personal introductions to key contacts, the creation of career-building opportunities, and behind-the-scenes networking and efforts on the client’s behalf.
  • Offer one-on-one training and consulting in such areas as business protocol, personal branding, communication and interpersonal skills, self-marketing, networking, and management of audience perceptions.
  • Take a highly directive, fast-paced, and results-driven approach.
  • Provide immediate answers, direction, and guidance to clients.

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“Dr. Debra Davenport is your personal chairman of the board.”

Doug Hall

Host of ABC’s “American Inventor”

Founder of Eureka Ranch and best-selling author of Jump Start Your Brain, Jump Start Your Business Brain, Jump Start Your Marketing Brain, and Driving Eureka!

About The Echelon®

The concept: An ingenious fusion of a mastermind group, think tank, and learning laboratory. The Echelon® was designed specifically for inquisitive, success-minded female professionals and entrepreneurs who aspire to reach the pinnacle of their success. Focused on professional development, Echelon® members are committed to the group – and to one another. Members are passionate about their own growth and the progress of their colleagues. As a member of The Echelon, you will develop PhD-level knowledge, skills, and experience in an engaging, supportive, and deeply interesting format.

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Coaching ~ For Every Aspect of Your Life

Here at The Davenport Institute, we provide person-centered coaching for the mind, body, and spirit. We understand the importance of holistic wellness, life balance, and spiritual renewal – essential aspects of human life. Coaching is a process of self-discovery and transformation. To be effective, it requires a willingness to look within – and to fully embrace change.

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