As you look around your office, take a moment to observe (without judgment) your colleagues and employees. Are any of them overweight, out of breath, and exhausted? Do any of your coworkers smoke, eat constantly, or snack on unhealthy foods? Do they often complain, call in sick, become angry, or appear depressed?

Chances are, if your workplace is like most, there will probably be at least one representative from the behavioral categories above. The truth is, Americans are overworked and under-rested. We’re overstressed and undernourished, overloaded and under-nurtured. These are the human trade-offs that enable companies to continue to make money in an increasingly competitive global marketplace. Couple this issue with the fact that a large segment of the working population would rather be doing something other than the job they have and you have the quintessential recipe for an unhealthy workplace.

Another important factor to consider is that the American workforce is aging. According to research compiled by Cianbro, a Maine-based company that has instituted a comprehensive employee wellness program, employees over age 55 will increase 42% in the next 6 years and the population over 65 will increase 8% by 2025. Heart attacks, stokes, cancer, and other debilitating diseases are, unfortunately, rather common and obesity is expected to overtake tobacco use as the leading cause of preventable death in America in the next few years. Additionally, health care costs have soared to $1.45 trillion per year. From 1990 to 2000 healthcare costs doubled from $700 billion to $1.4 trillion. The cost of a family PPO medical plan was $8,173 in 2002 and will rise to $17,980 in 2012. (

So what is a socially responsible organization to do? My best recommendation: Become proactive. Institute a company-wide wellness initiative that encourages wellness and eliminates at-risk health behaviors. Some of our client companies have balked at this suggestion, fearing high cost, minimal documented health improvement, and lackluster program performance. However, when faced with the rising costs of health care, absenteeism, decreased productivity, low morale, and workplace injuries, company executives quickly begin to see the value in promoting wellness as part of their culture.

If you are contemplating instituting a workplace wellness program, congratulations! As a starting point, your initiatives should address the most common causes of employee illness: sedentary lifestyle, smoking, poor nutrition, stress, obesity, high cholesterol, and hypertension.

According to the Wellness Councils of America (, an effective wellness program guides participants toward optimal health behaviors by identifying risks and providing the education and coaching necessary to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Team members meet with a health educator to complete a health risk appraisal, then interviews are conducted at the worksite and over the telephone. Health educators discover one or two health issues important to the participant that they would like to work on changing. Action is then based on setting benchmarks that are reasonable, attainable, and sustainable.

Following are ideas you may want to include in your company’s wellness program that will empower your employees to become healthier and more productive:

    • Movement / Meditation. If you have any unused worksite space, consider designating it for movement classes and/or meditation. Fifteen minutes of yoga, Pilates® or meditation will reduce stress, increase focus and mental clarity, and improve overall well-being. Encourage employees to take quiet time away from their desk for 5-10 minutes throughout the day. Sitting for extended periods can cause strain in the neck, shoulders and low back, and can also cause edema (swelling) of the feet, ankles and legs.
    • On-Site Massage. Massage therapists routinely make office calls for 10-15 minute massages. This is not only a terrific perk for your employees, but a real boost to their health. Studies show that, following massage therapy, clients feel refreshed, relaxed, more focused, and also report a reduction in pain symptoms commonly associated with sitting and computer work.
    • Blow the 5:30 Whistle. Today’s wellplace is about working smarter, not harder. It used to be that fast-trackers racked up brownie points by putting in long hours, taking work home, and coming in on the weekends. I bought into this mindset myself early on in my career. Then I realized if I’m not home taking care of my mind and body, who is? And when my mind and body burn out, who will go to work for me? No one. This is not a trade-off any of us should be making. Responsible, people-centric companies embrace the concept that health, wellness, fitness, and family come first – then the job. This is the only mentality that will ensure long-term success for corporate America. If you expect your employees to behave like machines, they will eventually break down. Frequent “tune ups” keep the human machine healthy and productive.
    • Mental Health Days. Boy, have these gotten a bad rap. In fact, it’s a smart wellness choice to take a mental health day. We all need them every now and then. Don’t malign your employees for needing a day to get their lives back in balance. Encourage rest, rejuvenation, and relaxation whenever possible. Remember: Stress kills.
    • Stress Reduction. What does your company do to instill peace of mind in your employees? Constant layoffs, pay cuts, shifting priorities, ongoing restructuring – these all add enormous amounts of stress to your human resources. Equanimity starts at the top. As much as possible, keep your company communications on an even keel. Panic and havoc only serve to make your workforce unwell. Stress management classes, coaching, employee assistance programs, and open-door policies are terrific ways to manage workplace stress. By the same token, if you have toxic employees whose behaviors, attitudes, and values are incongruent with your culture, either counsel them or assist them in moving outside of your organization. Once you establish a culture of wellness in your company, you simply cannot afford to jeopardize it.
    • Healthy Fuel. If your company provides a cafeteria, snack bar, or vending machines, are these offering healthy choices or junk? Proper nutrition is a critical factor in employee productivity and “healthy fuel” will keep your workforce operating at peak performance. Let’s take a look at the typical vending machine: Cookies, candy bars, potato chips, chewing gum, crackers, and muffins are the norm. Unfortunately, these “non-foods” are comprised almost entirely of fat, sugar, and salt and provide virtually no nutrients or dietary fiber. Healthier vending machine alternatives include: nuts and seeds, naturally sweetened graham crackers, trail mix, fresh and dried fruit, carrot and celery sticks, fat-free popcorn, nonfat yogurt (preferably organic), 100% juice (unsweetened), pure water, snack-size canned tuna in water, and nonfat or 1% milk. Encourage your employees to consume lean protein, fruits, vegetables, complex carbohydrates, and plenty of water throughout the day to maintain blood sugar levels and proper hydration. Often, headaches, forgetfulness, crankiness, and fuzzy thinking are the result of dehydration – the brain needs adequate water in order to function properly. Make sure your employees have access to clean, pure water.
    • The Power of Green. No, I’m not referring to money here. I am referring to plants. According to Monique N. Gilbert, B.Sc., “Living plants create a peaceful atmosphere, improve the ambiance and air quality of indoor environments, and induce positive energy around them.” Bring plenty of live plants into your office and ask employees to care for them – watering and tending to plants is a terrific mini break and will keep your well place lush with soothing vegetation.
    • Tranquil Sounds. It’s amazing how sound affects our mood. Just as a leaf blower blasting outside your window can set your nerves on edge, the peaceful sound of a desktop fountain, soft music, or sound machine can relax and de-stress even the most harried.
    • Fresh Air. Recycled air in office buildings and enclosed work areas can be very unhealthy. If you have the option of opening windows, let the fresh air in! Otherwise, use air purifiers, natural deodorizers, or other natural aromatherapy scents to lift spirits and freshen the air. (Just be sure your employees aren’t sensitive or allergic!)
    • Feng Shui. The ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui focuses on the energy of an environment to ensure comfort and success. It has become an increasingly popular and effective modality in residential and workplace transformation. According to Feng Shui expert, Barbara McNary, “In the workplace, Chi (or vital energy of all things) can be harmonized for success or ignored and allowed to run chaotic — usually ending in failure.  The work environment should support and reflect the hopes, dreams, goals. and intentions of the business, thereby carrying that energy into the conscious minds of all employees and clientele.”

In addition to placing furniture and artwork in key areas, Barbara offers these basic tips to start your Feng Shui program:

    • Begin with a good old-fashioned spring cleaning.
    • Freshen up every corner and desktop.
    • Throw away files that are no longer useful.
    • Organize storage areas so that they are pleasant spaces of their own.

Then, she says, take a look at safety within the environment.

    • Are there sharp corners in traffic areas?
    • Loose carpet or extension cords to trip over?
    • Unstable shelving?
    • Not only should you look for real threats of safety, but be aware of what the subconscious might consider threatening.
    • Floor to ceiling windows in a high-rise building might produce feelings about being unprotected or unsupported.
    • Spike-leaved plants may appear sharp and knife-like.
    • Whatever thoughts and feelings a person is added to the energy of the environment.
    • Remedy all safety hazards and another portion of stress is removed.

Other elements of Feng Shui that can contribute to wellness include proper and safe arrangement of office furniture, filing cabinets, and artwork. Symbols of nature, such as leaves, rocks, stone, shells, feathers, and wood help to bring the outdoors inside and create a sense of serenity.

    • Limit Radiation Exposure.  According to various government sources1, exposure to radiation causes what is called “electromagnetic chaos,” a symptom of our technology-driven society.  Radiation from computers, microwave ovens, cell phones, and basically any electronic item can be detrimental to the brain and overall health2.  Consider electromagnetic chaos eliminators for your workplace to mitigate the harmful effects of electromagnetic frequencies.  Also encourage your employees to purchase these items for their homes to ensure wellness both in – and out of – the office.

Finally, don’t underestimate the psychological impact of color in your business. Greens and blues create a sense of calm (ideal for a medical office reception area), whereas reds, oranges, and yellows are stimulating colors that might be perfect for your “war room” or other areas where you want to increase creativity and solution-oriented thinking.

Creating a wellness-focused workplace doesn’t have to be a costly or time-intensive project. Implementing a few simple initiatives will let your employees know you care about their health and productivity, and this goodwill will do wonders for your business. The bottom line: Wellness works!


  2. Mercola, Joseph. “How to Protect Yourself from Nuclear Radiation.” Take Control of Your Health. Dr. Joseph Mercola, 25 02 2011. Web. 14 May 2011  <>